3 experiences of local shopping
During lunch break, I’ve get used to skip business lunch and I buy some food at the nearest produkty because it’s faster, cheaper, and I avoid the high-calories creamy not-so-meat-like kotlet and choose a fruit, definitely healthier. Today my bill was 18 rubles, and I’d only 2 banknotes, one of 10, other of 50 so I handed the 50. The salesman hasn’t the change so he took the 10 and trustfully charged me 8.
When I leave work, I pass by a market to reach to the metro station. I can’t help buying some slices of dried pineapple of a dried-fruit store. Salespersons are nice and we’ve talked a while (a little insofar as I could barely understand). And it came this time when I don’t need anymore to say I want pineapple. It’s good to be loyal.
Yesterday, at least, I bought an umbrella since postponing again such a purchase was dumb. I found one in the same marketplace than where is pineapple. I don’t really know how long it will last but never mind, it was raining. While going for leaving, a woman that was waiting inside for the rain to stop told me “Ты француз?”. I said an incredulously yes so she explained that her son-in-law was French so she was used to hear French accent and could recognize it. She asked me what I was doing here and provided me with advice about how to hold my bag in the metro (on chest) and how to recognize pickpockets by the way they are sit (arms crossed, hands hidden). Then she apologized for sounding so maternal but she was really nice and her pieces of advice really useful that we kept talking for a while.
Are you a French person?=)) Hmmm it seemed to me that you're Russian one, I've seen you with the packets so many times=)))
P.S. Follow the advices of old woman.....
i gave back the 8 today. everything's ok
yeah i happen to look like a Russian but my accent still betrays me
C est vraiment la que tu fais tes courses ?
A part prendre les gens pour des cons...
Pourquoi toujours quand un francais vient en Russie il a besoin de denigrer ? ( c est valable pour la chine aussi).
Le meme fils a papa a Tokyo ou a New York aurait fait un blog pour exprimer combien Tokyo ou New York sont des villes "a la mode"...
J espere que ton "sejour" s acheve bientot...Bon retour chez les francais tellement parfait que ce sont les 1ers a aller aux putes quand ils sortent de l avion ici.
Bien sur, je te remercie de supprimer mon blog ds tes liens et evidement, je vais fauire la meme chose.
Bonne continuation.
ton traducteur automatique a fait quelques contre-sens, utilise babelfish
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